I write for well know PM publications such as ProjectManagement.com,ProjectsAtWork.com and Scrum Alliance and other industry leading forums, sites and portals. My last major writing publication was a report where I was commissioned to write the very first in depth survey of the “State of Scrum” which reveals who is practicing Scrum, why they are practicing Scrum and the outlook for Scrum. Almost 500 professionals in over 70 countries were surveyed for the 50 page report. Participants represented multiple industries from IT to education, finance, government, healthcare, telecommunications and more.
For speaking engagements, consider hiring me for your next meeting or training event. I am an accomplished speaker with a very diverse background and real world experience that will deliver timely and compelling topics in an interactive format. Don’t miss an opportunity to meet me and learn the practical skills to improve project performance right away!
My long term professional interest include becoming a professionally published author and speaker and I’m currently in the process of publishing two books.