Webinar: A Radically New Project Management Framework – April 14, 2015 @ 8 AM PST
Please join me for this interesting webinar I will be presenting for ITMPI:
Live Webinar April 14th, 2015 11:00 am – 12:30 pm EDT
Duration: 1 Hour 30 Min Credits: 1 PDU Category A – Free PDU
By: Computer Aid Inc IT Metrics & Productivity Institute (Rep 2733)
A Wise Man Proportions His Belief to the Evidence
– David Hume,
An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding (1748)
A major shift in Don Kim’s career occurred when he discovered the field of project management. It seemed to integrate and reconcile technical knowledge, emotional intelligence and business management skills into a perfect marriage.
Don has never looked back.
Passionate about sharing Project Management Best practices with others and encouraging them to succeed, Don’s entrepreneurial pursuits have never left him. It provides him with a position uniquely suited to driving and delivering business value to his clients and customers.
In this session, Don will make a bold proposal that the current frameworks or paradigms only represent at most 5% of the actual human cognitive processes. This explains why the current PM dogmas don’t always live up to their expectations.
Many of the methods, tools and techniques outlined in such frameworks as the PMBOK, Agile, Prince2, EVM, etc., do an adequate job of outlining the processes to capture such evidentiary information that have become industry standards.
However, inevitable problems arise when attempting to follow such paradigms:
- The “real world” is complex, uncertain and in many ways, irrational
- These simplified models presume a simple, certain and rational world.
So how do we know what works?
Don will discuss a new PM framework (epistemological – theory of knowledge) that accounts for the remaining 95% of human cognition that propels us to know, act and make decisions.
Learn how theories in behavioral economics, complexity theory, cognitive patterns, and Jungian psychology pave the way for a brand new PM framework epistemology!
Manage your projects like a business so that your “project solutions are realized” – Don Kim
Presenter: Don Kim (LinkedIn profile, @protweetation) Founder/Owner of one of the most popular International Project Management websites. Don has been involved in the field of project management initially as corporate employee and now as an independent consultant, trainer, coach, educator and writer. As a instructor at four universities and colleges, writer for several industry publications and event speaker, Don’s core competencies are to consult, train and educate your organization, department & teams to better manage people and projects, act as a catalyst for change, and to push new boundaries.