Death by Cubicle: Is project management still too obsessed with old economy ideas?

Death by Cubicle: Is project management still too obsessed with old economy ideas?

It was with some vindication during my regular reading “The Economist”, when I happened on an article in the August 8th article by Buttonwood titled,…

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The Project Management Dilemma: The more a company needs it, the less they should be pursuing it

The Project Management Dilemma: The more a company needs it, the less they should be pursuing it

It is probably heresy to say such a thing (especially given that I’m a promoter of project management and provide services and training to help…

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Sixth Sense Agile Fundamentals with PMI-LA - June 11 & 12, 2015

Sixth Sense Agile Fundamentals with PMI-LA – June 11 & 12, 2015

I’m very honored and excited to be providing this new training and development workshop for Roeder consulting & PMI-LA that integrates their “Sixth Sense for…

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Webinar: A Radically New Project Management Framework - April 14, 2015 @ 8 AM PST

Webinar: A Radically New Project Management Framework – April 14, 2015 @ 8 AM PST

Please join me for this interesting webinar I will be presenting for ITMPI: Live Webinar April 14th, 2015 11:00 am – 12:30 pm EDT Duration:…

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The rise of Agile's SAFe is like a bad episode of the movie Groundhog Day

The rise of Agile’s SAFe is like a bad episode of the movie Groundhog Day

There was this great movie back in the early 90’s staring Bill Murray who plays a weatherman covering the annual Groundhog Day event (which is an odd tradition in the US wherein the emergence of a groundhog supposedly predicts when winter arrive…

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When S.M.A.R.T. goals are actually dumb

When S.M.A.R.T. goals are actually dumb

One of the most well known acronyms in the business world is the S.M.A.R.T. acronym.  In the November, 1981 issue of Management Review (vol. 70,…

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Marcel Proust's recursive novel: Why the concept of iteration in Agile is shortsighted

Marcel Proust’s recursive novel: Why the concept of iteration in Agile is shortsighted

Since many readers of this site come from an IT background, it is probably safe to assume that many graduated with a computer science degree and/or taken computer programming classes.  One big topic in that field is how to loop through a sequence…

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The crafty PM: Are you a disposable worker or independent artisan?

The crafty PM: Are you a disposable worker or independent artisan?

I posted in a previous article that there was a study which seemed to indicate that 50% or more of us who work for a…

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