Speaking at PMI-LA San Fernando Valley Meeting - April 15, 2014 - Where love, online dating, and corporate politics intersect

Speaking at PMI-LA San Fernando Valley Meeting – April 15, 2014 – Where love, online dating, and corporate politics intersect


Presenter and Discussion Leader: Don Kim

Topic: Where love, online dating, and corporate politics intersect:  What I learned on my path towards becoming an independent project-based consultant.

“All is fair in love and war” – John Lily’s “Euphues”, 1580.

It is often said that love and business is a never ending war, since battles are waged on a daily basis to win the hearts and minds of potential partners for those dating and mating and likewise, customers and market share for those producing and providing products, services and results.  The intersections are uncanny, yet the insights are timeless!

I conspire to inspire you by telling you what I learned on my path towards becoming an independent project-based consultant and how I found new ways of developing career capabilities, creative insights and delighting my customers (even if you have a job, the people you work for and work with ARE your customers).  Here’s a sampling of some of the questions and topics that will be covered:

  • Why do I always end up in a job, when what I really desire is a long term career?
  • I took years of schooling and obtained advanced degrees, but am I really exhibiting the capabilities required of a true professional?
  • I know how to lay out tasks sequentially in a Gantt chart, but do I really think through problems and solutions creatively?
  • Most importantly, am I obtaining and nurturing the kind of relationships with customers that will build a prosperous and trusted partnership for the long term?

In a nutshell, you need to manage your projects like a business, lead like an entrepreneur, craft your solutions with science, and innovate as an artist… so that you may define your career otherwise it will get defined for you!

So don’t wait, sign up for this presentation now!

About the Speaker:

Don_Kim_LinkedInA major shift in Don Kim’s career occurred, when he discovered the field of project management that seemed to integrate and reconcile technical knowledge, emotional intelligence and business management skills into a perfect marriage.  He has never looked back.  In about the last decade, he has been involved in the field of project management initially as corporate employee and now as an independent consultant, trainer, coach, educator and writer which includes being an instructor at four universities and colleges, writer for several industry publications and event speaker.  He is the founder and owner of one of the world’s most popular PM portal website atwww.projectation.com.

His core competencies are to consult, train and educate your organization, department or teams to better manage people and projects, act as a catalyst for change, and to push new boundaries.  In addition, his entrepreneurial pursuits have never left him, which provides him with a position uniquely suited to driving and delivering business value to his clients and customers.

His motto is to help you manage your projects like a business so that your “project solutions are realized”.

Agenda for the Evening:

6:00 to 6:30 PM Registration & Networking
6:30 to 7:00 PM Welcome Attendees, PMI & DeVry Announcements
7:00 to 7:55 PM Presentation and Open Discussion
7:55-8:00 PM Final Announcements
8:00 PM Adjourn

Location Information:
DeVry University Sherman Oaks
Sherman Oaks Galleria
15301 Ventura Blvd.
Building D-100 Room TBA (Entrance is between Starbucks & Fuddruckers)
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403

Cost & Food:
Food Court available for brown bag dinner.
Vending machines for snacks and drinks are also available at DeVry.
We’ll have Coffee/Tea & Dessert

FREE with Validation (Provided by DeVry)
Please allow extra time to park and walk to the meeting venue as this is a large multi-level parking structure.
Entrances to the structure are available from either Ventura Blvd. or Sepulveda Blvd.


Help Us Improve the SFV Meetings: 
Suggestions for building and improving the new SFV Meeting are appreciated. Let us know if there are topics you would like presented and/or discussed. Your participation in making these meetings a success is essential.




Community Room, Sherman Oak Galleria, Sherman Oaks



Attendance at this event will earn 1 PDUs for PMPs.

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