Manage well, deliver anywhere: Building a cross-industry and project-based career platform

Manage well, deliver anywhere: Building a cross-industry and project-based career platform

You will always be in the spotlight when you are managing a project really well and conversely, when you are managing it disastrously.  It is usually the former we strive for and the latter we wish to avoid at all costs.  Of course, not being noticed at all is a kind of deafening silence that nobody notices or even cares what you are doing (or not doing) which may be the worst of all!  Regardless, when you’re in the “spotlight” it is usually with the understanding that people are viewing you with respect to where you stand and what you are standing on is a platform.  As the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines it, a platform is “a declaration of the principles on which a group of persons stands” and those principles for you as a project manager is your ability to “manage well and deliver anywhere”.


This slogan of “manage well, deliver anywhere” is a play on the Java programming language’s slogan of “run once, run anywhere” (WORE), that was created by Sun Microsystems to illustrate the cross-platform benefits of the Java programming language.  What I particularly like about this metaphor is that it aligns perfectly with how one should approach one’s career as a project manager.  If you manage projects well, you should be able to deliver it anywhere and within any industry.  Achieve this and you will have a truly portable, cross-industry and project based career platform that will never get obsoleted.


Of course, if nobody knows about this then it won’t matter how great you manage well and delivery anywhere.  This is where you need to market and brand your platform.  The book “Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World” by Michael Hyatt does a masterful job of outlining a strategy and action plan for doing so.  I recommend you take a look at his book.

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