PowerPoint Detox: Stop killing yourself and others with boring presentations!
As my experience and skills grow from my professional consulting, training and educational practices, I’ve been noticing that the effectiveness of my presentations are inversely proportional to the number of PowerPoint slides I present. In other words, I’m noticing that I’m much more effective when I present with less slides. This includes not only having less slides but also less content within the slides.
In fact, one workshop that I am conducting is on communications strategies right now that meets one day a week for 10 weeks with each session being 4 hours. This requires I be as engaging and impactful as possible since I would loose all credibility instructing on how to communicate effectively if I couldn’t do as as well as I preach it. Interestingly, the best session I had was this week and I used NO PowerPoint slides at all!
What’s happening is that I’m finally detoxing from my PowerPoint habit for the better. I definitely think we use it too much as a psychological crutch to allay our fears of not being able to have anything interesting to say, not enough meaningful content, etc., but the worst is when they are directly read off by the presenter word for word. In this instance, you really are just a presenter of the slides and NOT an engaging speaker which is what most people are looking for you to be.
So stop killing yourself and others with boring presentations! Detox from your addiction to PowerPoint!
definitely on point. Less content, less slides, and Id even argue more transitions and engaging effects that complement the presenters actual performance. I try to see myself as an actor when delivering PPTs prezs
Good point Asad, there’s definitely an element of performer that comes with giving great presentations, though I’d caution on using too many of them.