A tasty concoction of Kanban

A tasty concoction of Kanban

Heres a great inforgraphic provided by toolsforagile.com outlining the ingredients required to make your Kanban implementation delightfully tasty:

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Is your personal productivity in the dumps, then use Agile!

Is your personal productivity in the dumps, then use Agile!

What’s the use of knowing all the fancy project management methods and techniques if you can’t apply them to your personal life?  This is a…

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PERT/CPM: The lost science of project management?

PERT/CPM: The lost science of project management?

When you think about it, Planning, Scheduling and Control lie at the heart of what’s expected of a project manager and could be considered the…

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Is Agile going postal on us?

Is Agile going postal on us?

Apparently so, as this article from FCW titled USPS goes all-in on agile development indicates that the US Post Office has one of the largest and most complex in the world, and its growing preference for agile software development methods over its o…

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Half of project managers will be independent workers by 2020!

Half of project managers will be independent workers by 2020!

In the May issue of PMI’s PM Network magazine, there seems to be an indication that at least half of the American workforce who call…

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When Agile fails on a massive scale publicly

When Agile fails on a massive scale publicly

So heres this report on the British governments impending failure of a system called Universal Credit which is a way to manage welfare payments in real-time and through a unified entitlement program to lower costs and streamline the distribution pro…

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5 Famous Project Managers in American History

5 Famous Project Managers in American History

Here’s a great infographic of 5 famous project managers in American history created by the team at LiquidPlanner:

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Kicking Scrum to the curb with Kanban

Kicking Scrum to the curb with Kanban

ThisThis article on the Scrum Alliance site has an interesting take on putting aside Scrum when your requirements change so much that you need Kanban to stabilize your release:

This article on the Scrum Alliance site has an interesting take on …

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