Gantthead.com PMXPO 2012 – Managing Agility: Embracing the Benefits of Agile Leadership
A webinar I gave for Gantthead.com (now called ProjectManagement.com) which I announced last year on this site, is now publicly available. Here’s a summary detail (you will receive 1 PDU for viewing! See detail below):
Managing Agility: Embracing the Benefits of Agile Leadership
Don Kim, Agile Project Leader, gantthead Contributor

PMXPO 2012 Managing Agility: Embracing the Benefits of Agile Leadership
This presentation will review the concept of Agile Leadership as it is described in the Agile Manifesto, within the context of well-known leadership concepts and methods to solve problems that project leaders face on a day to day basis. It is more than simply removing impediments or driving tasks to completion, but rather managing and embracing the tension of being both leader and servant, task master and coach, and mentor and mentee depending on the situation.
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