I read this interesting piece from the Dr. Dobbs website by Allen Holub, in which he argues for the use of object-oriented design principles to drive Agile software development projects. One area in particular that I like is the idea of adhering…
As I recover from a Christmas hangover and contemplate my New Year plans, I can’t help but to wonder what’s in store for the project…
I’m being a bit provocative with the title of my post, but the metaphor is not entirely without warrant. For as the case with all…
Anyone involved with Agile hears that Scrum is the most popular project management method within the umbrella of Agile practices. But Jim Coplien (one of the chief founders of the Design Pattern movement) argues that Scrums root is really not from A…
Yes, we all know this intuitively and often talk about the need to have two of the most critical soft skills to effectively manage projects:…
A recurring theme I find in my conversations with project managers and other professional people I meet at events, seminars, workshops or just casually, is…
As Agile practitioners, our focus imainly on things like how to breakAs Agile practitioners, our focus is mainly on things like how to break chunks of work down to manageable pieces, optimize and guide the performance of the self-directed teams, etc…
More than anything, reading the detailsMore than anything, reading the details in the article suggests that Agile was definitely not used effectively (obviously from the results!) or properly. The front-end system design and deployment was done in a…
I will be speaking at the PMI Inland Empire chapter’s 10th anniversary celebration that will be held on Saturday, November 16, 2013 at the Magic…
I’m reading an excellent book titled “Introductory Econometrics: Using Monte Carlo Simulation with Microsoft Excel” by Humberto Barreto and Frank Howland which is on the use…
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