Is the success of your project based on faith and prayer?
As I had a conversation with a team member towards the end of a project that was nearing it’s eventual successful completion, we both concluded the conversation by saying we “pray the project finishes without a hitch.” It dawned on me that many of my conversation regarding the projects that I worked on whether it related to issues, completion of tasks, budget approvals almost always ended with “I pray [insert project topic] get’s done!”
Despite thorough and detailed planning, frequent and timely communications, transparent status, and tight project controls and change process and procedures, there was always an element of faith followed by prayers that my projects would stay the course. It could be despite our best efforts and progress in the science, technologies and process improvements that have taken place in the project management and general management field, that the world is just too complex with too many unknowns that make us deep down inside realize that it is really a matter of faith that it will all work out in the end.
I know its not a comforting thought for us control-freak project managers, but I guess on the bright side its what makes us compelled to keep moving forward and improving ourselves. Some philosophical thoughts to start your day.