Top ten signs you have been in project or program management too long

Top ten signs you have been in project or program management too long

Read this funny post on the Herding Cats website describing the top ten signs you have been in program management for far too long:

  1. You insist that you do some more market research before you and your spouse produce another child.
  2. You ask the waiter what the restaurant’s core competencies are.
  3. You decide to reorganize your family into a “team-based organization.”
  4. You believe you never have any problems in your life, just “issues” and “improvement opportunities.”
  5. You write executive summaries on your love letters.
  6. Your Valentine’s Day cards have bullet points.
  7. You celebrate your wedding anniversary by conducting a performance review.
  8. You explain to your bank manager that you prefer to think of yourself as “highly leveraged” as opposed to “in debt.”.
  9. You can explain to somebody the difference between “re-engineering,” “downsizing,” “rightsizing,” and “firing people.”.
  10. You refer to dating as test marketing.

For me it pertains to anyone who has managed or lead project or programs for far too long…


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