Free Market PM: Freelancing trends

Free Market PM: Freelancing trends

I was directed to this detailed report on the current state of freelancing by the International Freelancers Academy.  As Daniel Pink, author of Free Agent Nation: The Future of Working for Yourself, which was one of the first books to fully articulate the growth of this working style back in the late 90’s states it, “a historic recession, the emergence of widespread broadband, the explosive growth of smart phones, the further erosion of job security, lower barriers to entry for small entrepreneurs, and so on… has reinforced the underlying trends”.

An interesting section in page 7 of the report, outlines freelancers by profession:

As highlighted in the graphic, 1.1% of the respondents were project managers.  A small number, but more higher than other professions such as “blogger” or “Social media consultant/specialist” who I would think would rank higher than PMs!  Nevertheless, this reinforces what I’ve been writing about in that the profession may become more freelance like.

The report is freely downloadable and quite detailed.  For those who want an overview, they provide a nice infographic highlighting all the meaty parts of the report:

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